Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First school day..^^

So nice can have class today
First class is Statistic for Biology 2
Still is the same lecturer
Thank God..
Dr.Lim said this semester is easier compared to last semester
Really hope as what he said
Because i'm taking 21 credit hour this semester
Quite worry can't cope with it
Plus my target become higher this semester
First Class Honour
(I beg "The Secret" can help this time also..^^)

And for Academic Reading and Writing
Get into the same class with Tongling and Shekli
Haha..so good..
Having them as company
And there will also be Punes
(I just find out she also same class with me)
Then we do not have problem when doing pair assignment
But got problem if do the group assignment
(Now only i remember it's 3ppl a group, but never mind
I think it's still a small matter right?)

Went into the wrong class for Biochemistry
Sweat ==''
Grateful that not that lecturer teach
if not really terrible
listen also difficult
how to understand what he teach

And also unexpected
I attend Japanese class
Next time i can understand what he wrote
and no more google search
haha..; P
Feel so great when get back what you thought will be lost
This course i sure will learn it as hard as i could
Coz i get it not in an easy way
Really have to appreciate and also gratitude

It is always raining day
either rain at night or at the morning
Pity my clothes
when only u all can dry out

My roommate still haven't back
haha ^^

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